Selasa, 01 Juli 2014


The grading of the Crystal Red Shrimp has sometimes created more confusion than concrete answers. Not only are there many different grades but there are also several different color patterns, features, terminologies and other factors which can dictate one grade from the next. Being well educated with the grading of the Crystal Red Shrimp is very important if you decide to acquire, keep and breed this species.
There are numerous factors which can dictate the grade of a Crystal Red Shrimp. One of the most important factors is the intensity of both the white and red coloration on the specimen. If the white coloration is not full and shows signs of transparency then this can downgrade a specimen. When obtaining Crystal Red Shrimp from another breeder it can sometimes be common for a specimen to lose its fully opaque white coloration when newly arrived and also if it is an older specimen. It is recommended to purchase non-adult Crystal Red Shrimp if you do not want to risk potential color loss in adults after shipping. Adult Crystal Red Shrimp can be very picky when being introduced to a new environment.
Color patterns are also a very important factor when grading a Crystal Red Shrimp. Patterns like Hinomaru, Tiger Tooth, No-Entry Hinomaru, Mosura and more can dictate one grade from the next. At the bottom of the page is a guide to the common features/terminologies which are associated with certain grades. It is highly recommended that you are well educated with the grading terminologies of Crystal Red Shrimp if you decide to keep this species.
Please note that there of course has not been an "official" Crystal Red Shrimp Grading Guide. This version was created in order to help hobbyists better understand the grades and their respective terminologies that are associated. As more information develops on this ever changing Crystal Red Shrimp species this page will be updated.
Many thanks to Henry Hua, Gabe Hernandez & Kangshiang for the photos!

SSS Grade Crystal Red Shrimp
The SSS Grade Crystal Red Shrimp has the most white coloration out of all of the grades below it. It is sometimes refered to as a "Mosura" grade Crystal Red Shrimp. It follows the typical rule in Crystal Red Shrimp Grading that the more white coloration the higher the grade. However, there are many features which can make one SSS grade specimen considered even higher grade than another SSS Grade. One SSS Grade can be higher than another dependent upon features including the different red patterns on the head, eye coloration, leg coloration and even antennae coloration. As the grading gets higher there are more factors which can make a single specimen more prized than another of the same grade. Please read about the grading terminologies located on the bottom of the page.
SSS Grade Mosura with "Flower"SSS Grade Mosura Crystal Red Shrimp with Flower
SSS Grade Mosura with "Crown"SSS Grade Mosura Crystal Red Shrimp with Crown
Additional SSS Grade Photos

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